5 Reasons to Have a First Look

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On the fence about a first look?

Here are my fave reasons you should consider one!

  1. It helps you both feel calmer. Once you see each other in your wedding attire, you’ll automatically start feeling calmer and truly enjoy the ceremony.

  2. It frees up more time. You can get most of your couples shots completed early on and can have more time to spend with your guests, alleviating some of the pressure of the day.

  3. More photos. Having a first look creates more photo options. They might end up being the ones you want to print and hang in your home.

  4. You get amazing reaction photos. When it’s just the two of you, you have the opportunity to express your true emotions.

  5. You get to share a truly magical moment together. A first look will be one of the first moments that you get to share together on your wedding day and the fact that it’s alone makes it even more special. There is just something about a first look, you guys. Don’t believe me? Ask your friends who have done one! (It me)

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