6 Unique Ways to Generate Leads for your Photography Business

Whether you are just starting your photography business or have been in business for years, it’s worth investigating new ways to generate leads. If you set aside time to do each of the items on this list each month, I have no doubt you are running a successful and profitable photography business.

10 Unique Ways to Generate Leads for your Photography Business

  1. Blogging on topics that are relevant to your target audience is a free and results-oriented way to generate new leads. Over time, Google will increase your website’s ranking in search results so potential clients can find you. Need inspo for your next post? Blog a session at a local spot you love shooting at. Include details, specifics and buzz-words so that if someone in your area is searching that spot or looking for a photographer, your post will pop up in the search results.

  2. Social media is another free tool with the potential to have massive impact. I’m not asking you to be the next influencer, just to showcase your work, personality, and let potential clients in on what it looks like to work with you. Post sneak peeks from recent sessions, show your face on stories and let your audience get to know you, answer FAQ, etc. If you’re not talking about your business, no one else will be either.

  3. Collect emails and send a regular newsletter. If Instagram crashed tomorrow and we lost our accounts, would you know how to reach potential clients? Email subscribers are the best way to do this. There are free ways to do this such as Mailchimp, however I use and pay for Flodesk because I love the design capabilities. Everything I do in running my business exudes a level of excellence and professionalism and I want my newsletter to do the same.

  4. Find one way every day to move the needle. Publish a blog post, send out a newsletter, reach out to an old client, share a story on IG stories, ask to be a guest on a podcast, share a tutorial on Youtube, etc. By doing this, you are putting in the work to reap what you sow, on average, 90 days from today.

  5. Network. Commit to going to one in-person networking event per month until you are having to turn down clients. Every single time I attend a networking event, I get one lead that eventually converts. Owning a business can also feel isolating at times. Networking helps you find and connect with a community of like-minded people.

  6. Provide value. This will help establish your expertise as a business owner (people trust experts) and put you top of mind to clients when they are in need of your services down the road. They’ll remember how you answered their question at that one networking event, or when you shared your top 5 tips on your Instagram story, or how you included a step by step tutorial in last month’s newsletter.

If you’re struggling with getting ghosted, check out this blog post for 7 Tips to Avoid Getting Ghosted By Clients.