5 Ways Photographers Can Turn an Inquiry into a Wedding Client

So you’ve been doing all the things Google suggests - posting on social media, focusing on SEO, spreading your brand to family and friends, and you’ve had some luck. Now, let’s talk about how we can turn those photography inquiries into clients. Read on for my top tips and don’t forget you can also visit my Photography and Business Resources page on my website. 

Make Yourself Stand Out
Chances are, that potential client of yours has been reaching out to multiple photographers. You want each interaction with them to stand out - starting with your contact form. Begin by asking “different” questions on your contact form. Ask the couple about the best adventure they’ve ever been on or their favorite type of music. Not only does this stand out, but now you have something to talk about with the couple. Don’t stop there. When you respond to their inquiry, feel free to incorporate your personality and vibe. Be your authentic self in order to attract your ideal client.  

Be Ready for What’s Next 
After the initial inquiry and your response, set up a time to talk to the couple through a discovery call. Check out my Wedding Photographer Discovery Call Script for an outline on how your conversations should go during successful discovery calls. After reading, you’ll understand how the conversation should flow, what questions to ask, what not to ask, what to do, when to ask for the sale, and even plays out both scenarios if your potential clients are ready to book vs. not ready. It’s also important to note that this guide helps you ask the right questions to make sure your clients are just as much of a fit for you as you are for them. You deserve to work with clients who value your work.

Answer Questions Before They’re Asked
Nothing makes a potential client feel more supported than receiving the answers to a question they haven’t asked yet (or even thought about)! To start, think about questions that you’ve been asked by previous couples – both the ones that have booked with you and the ones that haven’t. How can you use those questions to better serve potential clients in the future?

Don’t Be Afraid to Follow Up
A lot of times we may be afraid that we’re bothering a potential client by following up multiple times but most experts suggest following up, up to 3 times. Again, try to weave your authenticity and your brand into your follow-ups. Make the follow-ups simple and to the point. Incorporate the contract and make it easy for the potential client to sign. By making things simple, you’re showing the potential client that you anticipate their needs! 

Show Up on Social Media 
Lastly, the biggest thing you can continue to do is build your brand and show up authentically. Continue to post your recent work on social media Chances are potential clients already follow you, so continue to provide engaging content to stay top of mind.